Sunday 10 July 2011

Books and Books

So here's the latest skinny (whatever that means):

If you want a free copy of The Last Man on Earth Club, head over to Bookish Ardour, where I've been reviewed, interviewed, and will be given away on the thirteenth of the month. It was a fun interview to do - I think Bonnie has the right idea: don't just send a list of questions, but do it in two or three exchanges so you get to develop some themes and a conversation.

Also, I made fun of George R R Martin's initials. Because I couldn't help it.

(I know the real reason for the initials in his name, of course: he probably doesn't want to get mixed up with this guy)

Other reviews and things are in the works. So's my new novel. And the works are damnably cranky. Excuse me while I go and oil them.

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