Saturday 11 February 2012

Win a Kindle Fire. No, seriously!

So I'm taking part in this crazy fun thing called Win With eBooks. Here's the basic idea: twenty lovely, wonderful ebooks are getting knocked down to 99c from Feb 12th to 15th. If you can provide proof of purchase, or do something else to help us out (reviews, tweets, FB likes - check the Rafflecopter widget thing, either here on on!), you get to enter the giveaway (but you get more of a chance to win if you buy the books). Even if you don't win that lovely Kindle Fire, there are still $200 of Amazon vouchers to be had.


(also very handy if you're British/Australian/Martian and can't get a Kindle Fire in the normal way! Amazon UK/DE/IT/FR/ES purchases will count, BTW, and the books should all be discounted on all Amazon sites to a 99c equivalent)

a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclaimer: Does not apply to paperback edition. Does not apply to parallel world editions. Does not apply if world ends before the completion date of the competition. A Rafflecopter is not a substitute for a fully armed Blackhawk but is nevertheless quite awesome in its own way. Grilled cheese is not, technically a meal. Aliens exist and find you very amusing. This disclaimer is a figment of your imagination.
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